Sunday, August 26, 2018

7 Best Practices to Combat Cyber Frauds in India

There is no doubt that the internet today is widely used and it has entirely changed the level of efficiency and productivity of human beings. The web has made our communication way easier and faster than the traditional methods of communication. But along with so many merits, there also come some drawbacks that are serious and are capable to cause tremendous loss to your business. Cyber space is becoming commonplace for everyone and also a dangerous space for everyone. We use the internet as a means of useful information but can get trapped badly due to the increasing number of cyber frauds in India. Hence, it is very important to be safe on the internet and have safe transactions. It is wise to safeguard yourself from security risks rather than regretting later. Looking at the rate at which cyber frauds in India are increasing, here are presented below some top tips to help you secure yourself from the risk of being attacked by cyber crime-
1. These days, everyone has an email account but no one ever thinks of the safety while sharing emails. It is advisable to decide a strong password for your account. This means it can be a long alpha-numeric password, can also be a combination of upper and lower case letters and which is impossible to guess.
2. There is always a security question asked while signing up, which one should always answer before going ahead.
3. The latest helpful features like two-step verification of an account make the account more secure free of spam emails.
4. The all-pervasive connectivity has made our tasks easier but also challenged the safety of our stored information. Everything getting saved on the cloud has put us on a great risk. Instead, one should use encryption for themselves. Encryption on emails keeps messages unreadable by everyone except the sender and the receever.
5. All browsers are exposed to many security threats and privacy risks. There is no browser which is entirely secure. Therefore, one should focus to make the browser as secure as possible by keeping the browser updated time-to-time, changing the privacy settings of the browser and installing security plug-ins.
6. The usage of cloud services can be lessened. Organisations today face problems due to an insecure interface, APIs, weak identity, credential and access management and so on.
7. Protect yourself from spyware. Spyware is a malicious set up that sends all the information from one’s computer and misuses the information. It is best to use an antivirus.